Real Estate Agents, Investors, Buyers and Sellers Beware: PropertyQube is Here!!
I recently stumbled over this site on a post from Looks great! Even better is the exclusive interview Rollett Marketing is getting with one of their co-founders!! Hopefully it will be back in my hands tonight or tomorrow. For now here is some quick info on PropertyQube:
, a social community which enhances your PropertyLife relationships and experiences.
Share your PropertyLife Stories - show off your Home Improvement Projects - Connect with and recommend your property professional - Ask your property questions and get answers from local professionals.
Propertyqube was co-founded by David Bethoney and Nicole Rufuku.
Join the Network:
Joining is easy. To get started, simply enter your email address, location and desired user name. That’s it! Now, invite your friends and family to join your trust network.
We all have one. Your PropertyLife is your real estate story, from that first apartment to the beautiful vacation house. Share your experiences with roommates, renovations, remodels, property searches, your dream home...we can’t wait to read them.
Can't wait to hear what they have to say!
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